New Layout, Same Blog

It’s been years since I have added to this blog. As I entertained the idea of coming back to it, I realized that it could use some refreshing. Unfortunately because of some critical errors in my previous theme, I will have to reinput each post from my old backup. Please be patient with me as I go through that process.

It’s been years since I have added to this blog. Life happened, and I had to step away from writing. As I entertained the idea of coming back to it, I realized that it could use some refreshing. Unfortunately because of some critical errors in my previous theme, I will have to reinput each post from my old backup. Please be patient with me as I go through that process. I will be adding new content as well at the same time as I republish my old content.

much love,



The Hardest Thing

  I just read a blog post where the author was asked to list the hardest thing about…

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